A smoky haze engulfs our Earth
We watch, perched atop a mountain, like an eagle
We dare not soar into its plume
We seek the current that sweeps us higher from this doom
Away from flame and smoke and dread
I circle as I watch the dead
They were warned and they were told
From those who stood so strong and bold
But sadly they did listen not
To them came the death they sought.
Of each struggle for a breath
Some fought more and some fought less
But death still came as they watched in fear
Loss of life as they shed a tear
But even those were lost in heat
As the wind did swirl beneath their feet
Their spirits soared and their lone souls weeped
And as the planet was set on fire
Our world became a funeral pyre.
Note....Dedicated to those who know and believe that woodsmoke will and has prematurely caused the death of millions on this Earth. That is why we must fight on…or millions more will continue to die.
Author==Linda from Canada
Burning---Thoughts from Canada
Sunday, August 23, 2009
global warming,
health concern,
premature death,
wood smoke
Yard fire ban a no-brainer-Letter to the Editor-London Free Press
Friday, August 7, 2009
Letter to Editor-London Free Press
(UNLESS otherwise noted, these letters are to be considered unedited. The opinions expressed in the letters and comments are those of the writers and not of The London Free Press)
Yard fire ban a no-brainer
I agree wholeheartedly with Alan Gibson's letter Ban backyard burning (Aug. 5).
There is far more pollution from backyard fires. There have been many nights we could not enjoy open windows or sitting outside because of acrid smells of burning. I have respiratory problems and understand how it is to breathe in this stench. One morning I woke to find my car covered in ashes from someone's fire.
Please ban all fires in backyards. In densely populated areas, it should be a no-brainer. Sparks from these fires also can start other fires. Common sense should rule.
POSTED BY: W.T. Welsh, London
POSTED ON: August 7, 2009
EDITORS NOTE: As published in The London Free Press on Aug. 7, 2009.
(UNLESS otherwise noted, these letters are to be considered unedited. The opinions expressed in the letters and comments are those of the writers and not of The London Free Press)
Yard fire ban a no-brainer
I agree wholeheartedly with Alan Gibson's letter Ban backyard burning (Aug. 5).
There is far more pollution from backyard fires. There have been many nights we could not enjoy open windows or sitting outside because of acrid smells of burning. I have respiratory problems and understand how it is to breathe in this stench. One morning I woke to find my car covered in ashes from someone's fire.
Please ban all fires in backyards. In densely populated areas, it should be a no-brainer. Sparks from these fires also can start other fires. Common sense should rule.
POSTED BY: W.T. Welsh, London
POSTED ON: August 7, 2009
EDITORS NOTE: As published in The London Free Press on Aug. 7, 2009.
ban wood burning fireplaces,
health concern,
wood smoke
Air is Precious-New Canadian Coalition to fight wood smoke
Air is Precious
Note...This is a new coalition (August,2009) fighting wood smoke in Canada.
Air is Precious
975 Brookdale Avenue
P.O. Box 22049
Cornwall, Ontario
K6J 4P5
MISSION STATEMENT: To end Woodsmoke in our communities and thus ensure we each have the right to breathe healthy air.
All I want to do is my very best to represent you and others fighting for the human right and common decency to breathe air without wood smoke. Air is Precious sincerely hopes, and I hope, what we can do here will at some point touch someone and make them realize and understand what a toxic issue this woodsmoke is to all.
None of us know how much time we have here on Earth, and I feel that is why it is so important to do our best each hour, to be kind, to show we care, to reach out to others, and want to try our very best in life. Those suffering from wood smoke need our help...now.
I only know one way to write and that is from my heart, from my honesty. I only want my efforts (with your help) to help save many from the ills of wood smoke. Sometimes a person can call from their own experiences to write, and then do. There is a different kind of connection with others. I know what wood smoke can do to a person, a family, a neighborhood.
From our small dining area, I look out to a nice patio area, all trees, flowers..calming. There are water fountains with that soothing sound, and in the fall it is simply breathtaking to see the carpet of yellow leaves. Because we are so closed in, that part has developed a micro climate of its own, so things stay greener longer. When all the leaves fall, it is truly so pretty, and I don't take them up. Not till the last, then compost them. In the winter we have Christmas lights all over in the back. Again, it is a pretty spot to look. It is very easy for me to write there. Sadly though, I also see the wood smoke there. What an odd mix...beauty, sky, trees. Then this killer plume of smoke drifts down.
I know this may not end for a long time (this end to woodsmoke), but I also know if I (and you) do not fight, then how will it ever stop? If I do not fight, then why should others do all the work for me. One day, I know in my heart, this unnecessary, unneeded, and unwanted wood smoke will end. Then people will be able to live their lives no longer in fear of wood smoke, but be able to breathe healthy air.
I will have the humble honour of saying one day, I knew these people, these other crusaders. I stood and did battle along side them. They gave me strength on bad days. They stood for goodness, courage, wisdom, and conviction. They saved the life of your child, your future grandchildren...and perhaps even themselves. They, of course, are you and me working to reach our goal of a wood smoke free environment.
I hope we are successful to reach our goal before I leave this Earth. But, if not, I will know that you joined and fought beside me, and battled to end woodsmoke in our communities. By doing so, we will ensure everybody has the human right and common decency to breathe air without wood smoke...and because the Air is Precious.
Air is Precious
975 Brookdale Avenue
P.O. Box 22049
Cornwall, Ontario
K6J 4P5
Note...This is a new coalition (August,2009) fighting wood smoke in Canada.
Air is Precious
975 Brookdale Avenue
P.O. Box 22049
Cornwall, Ontario
K6J 4P5
MISSION STATEMENT: To end Woodsmoke in our communities and thus ensure we each have the right to breathe healthy air.
All I want to do is my very best to represent you and others fighting for the human right and common decency to breathe air without wood smoke. Air is Precious sincerely hopes, and I hope, what we can do here will at some point touch someone and make them realize and understand what a toxic issue this woodsmoke is to all.
None of us know how much time we have here on Earth, and I feel that is why it is so important to do our best each hour, to be kind, to show we care, to reach out to others, and want to try our very best in life. Those suffering from wood smoke need our help...now.
I only know one way to write and that is from my heart, from my honesty. I only want my efforts (with your help) to help save many from the ills of wood smoke. Sometimes a person can call from their own experiences to write, and then do. There is a different kind of connection with others. I know what wood smoke can do to a person, a family, a neighborhood.
From our small dining area, I look out to a nice patio area, all trees, flowers..calming. There are water fountains with that soothing sound, and in the fall it is simply breathtaking to see the carpet of yellow leaves. Because we are so closed in, that part has developed a micro climate of its own, so things stay greener longer. When all the leaves fall, it is truly so pretty, and I don't take them up. Not till the last, then compost them. In the winter we have Christmas lights all over in the back. Again, it is a pretty spot to look. It is very easy for me to write there. Sadly though, I also see the wood smoke there. What an odd mix...beauty, sky, trees. Then this killer plume of smoke drifts down.
I know this may not end for a long time (this end to woodsmoke), but I also know if I (and you) do not fight, then how will it ever stop? If I do not fight, then why should others do all the work for me. One day, I know in my heart, this unnecessary, unneeded, and unwanted wood smoke will end. Then people will be able to live their lives no longer in fear of wood smoke, but be able to breathe healthy air.
I will have the humble honour of saying one day, I knew these people, these other crusaders. I stood and did battle along side them. They gave me strength on bad days. They stood for goodness, courage, wisdom, and conviction. They saved the life of your child, your future grandchildren...and perhaps even themselves. They, of course, are you and me working to reach our goal of a wood smoke free environment.
I hope we are successful to reach our goal before I leave this Earth. But, if not, I will know that you joined and fought beside me, and battled to end woodsmoke in our communities. By doing so, we will ensure everybody has the human right and common decency to breathe air without wood smoke...and because the Air is Precious.
Air is Precious
975 Brookdale Avenue
P.O. Box 22049
Cornwall, Ontario
K6J 4P5
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