The importance of air exchange in the House

Monday, September 5, 2011

The beautiful and elegant house does not necessarily guarantee its inhabitants healthy. Note the exchange of air inside the house. Healthy air will impact the health and comfort.

Set the proper lighting. Try the house did not challenge the sun because it will generate heat in the room that could lead to dependence on air conditioning. Planting too few plants provide shade to homes more beautiful and comfortable.

Habits of today's urban society can not be separated from the use of air conditioners (air conditioner / air conditioning). With practical reasons, comfort in the room can be easily obtained. According to the architect of the studio Atelier Jacob Novriansyak Riri, the use of air conditioning within certain limits, such as volume levels are not regulated and are used at all times, is still considered to be applied considering the needs of urban communities.
However, as already known, the use of air conditioning is continuously an act of wasteful energy. The solution, by combining a natural air exchange arrangements through vents or openings with artificial air exchange arrangements such as air conditioning or exhaust fans.
For example, you continue to use air conditioning in the living room or bedroom. At certain times you turn on to cool the room. While in other spaces, such as living room and kitchen, set with a natural setting. Like making a large window can be opened and closed, disposable glass Nako which acts as a source of natural light, make a grid on the wall facing out, and openings in the house.
No less important, set the proper lighting. Try the house did not challenge the sun because it will generate heat in the room that could lead to dependence on air conditioning. Planting too few plants provide shade to homes more beautiful and comfortable.

Build a Healthy Home - Air Circulation Indoor And Room Arrangement Under the Sun

When will build the house, everyone would expect if the house is built it will be called a house meeting and a beautiful, healthy and comfortable. For the beauty aspect of course is relative, because the view is usually not the same when it comes to the beauty of the building. But when it comes to the health aspect, usually the default is uniform. In this case, we would probably agree if it's a healthy home meet several criteria, including: good air circulation, a room that gets enough natural light from the sun, the room layout that facilitates the movement of residents to activities, the availability of open land to plant crops, etc..

On this occasion I will discuss about building a healthy home with an overview on air circulation and natural lighting in the rooms inside the house.

Air Circulation

Air circulation systems in residential buildings are usually obtained through a vent or vent. For the outermost region of the room using the ventilation building for the air flow, while for a room that middle position of the building can use the catcher channel the wind, or so-called channel or tower wind catchers wind catcher. To create a natural flow of air can vents are usually made in two areas of the wall. The pressure difference inside and outside the building will help the air flow from vents in a single field wall to wall ventilation in other fields. The number of air ventilation in buildings (houses) should be sufficient to support the process of air circulation, fresh air flows from outside into the room.

Form of ventilation is commonly used conventional windows with shutters of the glass or wood panels that can be opened wide during the day. Then there is also a window bouvenlicht, namely glass windows with two blades that have a gap between them that allows the exchange of air. Bouvenlicht usually installed in bathrooms or toilets. There is also the type of window glass Nako with blades of glass that can open the lid. In addition, can also be made air vent grille-shaped air holes with a horizontal arrangement on the walls of the building. Methods to make ventilation holes also vary by making a hole walls, wood frame with horizontal lattice direction, or use the rooster of concrete materials, metal, aluminum or wood.

The best systems are used to design the air circulation system  which is a natural cross-ventilation system (cross ventilation), on cross-ventilation air circulation system arranged in such a way that can flow from one point of the air vents to the point of another air vent, and so vice versa. With the pressure difference inside and outside the building, the airflow will not be 'stuck' in the house, which led to the house feels stuffy and hot. Another way that can also be done by creating a garden with voids in the house, garden and voids inside the house will help the air circulation in the middle of the room in the house which is quite far from areas of the wall.

If the use of ventilation air felt still less, then it can be done in ways that alternative active method by adding exhauster ventilation (exhaust fan or blower section wall roof section) which actively with the help of electrical energy will suck and drain the air out of the room, to forced to exchange with fresher air from outside through the ventilation holes.

If your house is in urban areas and conditions in your home is really not possible to use the natural (invoice pollution, density or building a high density level), you can use artificial ventilation systems such as Air Conditioning (AC). Sure must be planned clearly how the capacity and the number of Air Conditioner that will be used. Here's how you can use to calculate AC requirements in a room:

Suppose the size of the room 3m x 4m.

Room width = length of room x width of room
Room width = 4m x 3m = 12 m²

Coefficient BTU (British Thermal Unit) »500 BTU for 1 m² area of
​​the room

Capacity AC = x Coefficient BTU Room Size
Capacity AC = 12 m² x 500 BTU
AC = 6000 BTU capacity

The capacity of the AC standard commercially available, including:

- AC ½ PK capacity equivalent to 5000 BTU
- AC PK ¾ capacity equivalent to 7000 BTU
- Air-conditioning capacity of 1.0 OD equivalent to 9000 BTU

Then the room with an area of
​​12 m² require 6000 BTU air conditioner with a capacity »¾ Wear AC PK

Since area (L) = 12 m² and air conditioning capacity required is 6000 BTU, should we buy AC ¾ PK. No need to use the AC a PK because of the power dissipation will occur, do not also install air conditioning ½ PK, because the performance is less adequate air conditioning to cool the room.


As with air circulation (penghawaan), lighting the room should be rooted in natural light. So in addition to healthy can also save energy. No need to turn on the lights in the daytime. However we are fortunate to live in an area that is rich in sunshine throughout the year. Aside from being a source of vitamin D, sunlight can also serve to kill some types of fungi and bacteria is negative. Natural light (coming from the sun) which came into the room to clean the room once warmed the room to avoid moisture.

Therefore in every room should be made of glass windows related to outer space. In determining the magnitude and location of windows, be aware of the direction of the sun. Direct sunlight from the west will make the room very hot. Use a canopy / overstek windows to shade windows from direct sunlight and keep the ventilation window of splashed when the rainy season.

Window glass is one of the building elements which function as a place of entry of sunlight into the house. It also can be used void in the room that does not allow windows to be fitted, for example because it is limited by the walls of your neighbor's house. Another way is to use a glass skylight or roof tiles or the use of materials on the roof Polycarbonate carpot in your home. The use of bulkhead walls made of glass or glass block can also be categorized as a component of the lighting, as well as one of the architectural ornaments that are widely applied in the design of modern homes today.

Non-Based Planning and Direction Setting Sun

We all understand that the sun moves from east to west for 12 hours every day. Abundant light it can bring many benefits to humans, including at home. But if not handled and used properly, the sunlight it will cause discomfort because of the potential to increase the temperature inside the room. For that there are several ways that can be used to determine the spatial positions and openings under the direction of sunlight.

a. Bedroom

In order for the morning sun can get into this space, put the bedroom in the southeast to northeast. Incoming beam makes you not feel like getting out early. In addition, this side does not receive hot afternoon so convenient if used to rest.

b. Family Room, Guest Rg and Rg Eating

Joint space should be the northwest side or the southwest. In this position, the space will have natural light and warm. But to reduce the heat on the west side, there is need for special processing such as the use of materials or the use of heat shock grid wind.

c. Bathroom

Usually, the bathroom is an area that the level of humidity is high, then the area is best if it gets direct sunlight. Put a bathroom on the west side or east.

d. Kitchen

Kitchen with cooking equipment has the potential to become high-temperature space, then the best option is on the north or south.

e. Space Support / Service

This space is a priority second only to the main rooms have been placed first. The west side of the less comfortable for humans, because it is too hot-the ideal place for washing and drying room, laundry to avoid moisture and dry quickly.

f. Openings

In general, openings such as doors or windows should be located on the north or south because it is not exposed to direct sunlight. If the forced opening of doors and windows are in a position north or south, it can be 'tricked' by installing curtain (shade or blind) at the opening of doors or window glass is the dominant material. So that the intensity of sunlight enters the house or room can be arranged.

Thus the article on planning a healthy home building this time, the next article I will write about living a healthy home planning of the layout design (layout) and sanitation.

8 Tip Presents Fresh & Healthy Air at Home

AIR clean making organs of the body can circulate properly so the body becomes fresh and healthy. No wonder when the clean air into the needs of each person.

If you have been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), have taken steps to ensure that the air around you fresh, healthy, and free of irritants that can cause your condition to deteriorate. Here are some tips that will help you keep the air fresh and healthy at home, as reported from All women stalk.

Reducing animal fur

Pet dander is a threat to asthmatics, as well as for patients with COPD who have an allergy. To you who have contact with pets, wash their hands after playing with them and try not to let the beast inside your bedroom.

Stay away from wood fireplace

Fireplace wood into heating the house that gives the impression of old-fashioned and romantic. However, fireplaces and wood produces carbon soot which will go into the lungs and cause difficulty breathing if you do not have a good ventilation system. Replace with an electric fireplace that gives a feel similar to wood fireplace, but not dangerous.

Avoid strong smelling chemical cleaners

For hygiene problems, you should stop using cleaning products that have a strong scent. Odor may irritate your lungs. Choose cleaning products with no scent and avoid strong smelling products, such as perfumes, air fresheners, and hair spray.

Reduce the presence of dust mites

Dust mites are the main triggers for people who suffer from COPD. Switch to foam pillows, not feather. Find a pillowcase and mattress proven antitungau. Also, wash your linen sheets in water temperature above 54 degrees Celsius once a week to reduce dust mites.

Check the stove regularly

Perhaps surprisingly, but the gas stove can create problems for people who have COPD. Gas coming out of the stove can worsen the condition. Choose a gas stove with an automatic igniter because the amount of gas coming out of the tool is less.

Investment in air filter

Air filter is a must for home patients with COPD. This tool helps filter out all the fine particles in the air that might get into the lungs. So, invest in ventilation systems that have the air filter and make sure you replace the filter regularly.

Use the dryer air (dehumidifier)

Fungi thrive in environments that have high water content. And we how the fungus can cause damage to the respiratory system. For this reason, keep your home humidity levels remain below 40 percent with the help of a dehumidifier.

Keep the window remains closed

Allergens and particles from the polluted outdoor air can affect lung health significantly. If you live in a city vulnerable to the accumulation of dust, the best solution is to keep the windows remain closed during the hours when air pollution is very high. But if you just finished cleaning the room, then leave the windows open to remove the smell of cleaning agents.