Who controls the Air We Breathe? Have you ever given it a thought? Do you control the air you breathe? Can you make sure that the air that enters into your body is clean and nutritional to improve your health and well being instead of being polluted and making you sick? Most people will answer “no” to this question. In the next few pages, I will show you that it is very important for all of us to understand how vital air is for us humans and how it affects our health and wellness. Aroma Biotechnology is an evolving new way to solve these problems. I will share some little known natural healing secrets with you. This valuable information just might help cure your disease and add several healthy enjoyable years to your life. Knowledge is power! According to the data of WHO every year an estimated 3 million people die because of air pollution or about 5% of the 55 million deaths annually world wide. 1,500 millions of the premature deaths occur in Asian cities. Many more suffer serious health effects from air pollution. The working lives of many are shortened by health problems from breathing filthy air. Six of the world’s 15 most polluted cities are found in Asia. The top positions go to 1. Katmandu, Nepal, 2. New Delhi, India, 3. Jakarta, Indonesia together with Chongqing, China. 4. Calcutta, India. A third of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions are puffed out in this region. Are you losing sleep over air pollution? World Bank in Asia estimates that a great number of people in urban East Asia and the Pacific lose more than 12 productive years due to disability caused by air pollution. The World Health Organization puts the cost at billions of dollars in medical care to cure the people who suffer from the illnesses caused by air pollution. The Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI), a project launched in 2001 by the Asian Development Bank and World Bank, does realize that air quality in Asia has worsened in recent years due to increasing urbanization and an increase in polluting emissions in many cities. The situation can improve through better air quality management by governments backed by greater public awareness of the problem. A good example is Bangkok, where visibility at the airport improved from about five kilometers in 1996 to nine kilometers in 2000. Air pollution in Indonesia: Causes 16.000 premature deaths a year. One in ten suffer respiratory infections. One in ten children suffer from asthma; Articles from Jakarta Post, 2007 What about the air in Jakarta? The World Bank document ”Estimating the health effects of air pollutants: a method with an application to Jakarta” mentions that: “The results for Jakarta suggest that significant benefits result from reducing exposure to both outdoor and indoor air pollutants. For example, if annual concentrations of particulate matter were reduced to the midpoint of the World Health Organization guideline (and former U.S. ambient standard), the estimates indicate a reduction per year of 1,400 premature deaths (with a range of 900 to 1,900) 49,000 emergency room visits, 600,000 asthma attacks, 7.6 million restricted activity days (including work loss), 124,000 cases of bronchitis in children and 37 million minor respiratory symptoms. In the case of Jakarta, the methodology suggests that reducing exposure to lead and nitrogen dioxide should also be a high priority. An important consequence of ambient lead pollution is a reduction in learning abilities for children, measured as IQ loss.” Respiratory diseases the top killer an article by Sari P. Setiogi (The Jakarta Post, 12. Sept. 2003) ”Respiratory diseases have become the number one killer in Indonesia, up from number three in 1997 and number six in 1993, an expert says. Pulmonologist Ida Bernida said on Thursday that air pollution had worsened in the past decade, exacerbating respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis (TBC), asthma, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pneumonia. He said cardiovascular diseases and cancer were the number two and three killers respectively. The fact for Jakarta is that air pollution will increase in the future rather than improve mainly due to the growing number in motor vehicles. About 70% of Jakarta’s air pollution stems from pollutants puffed in the air by motor vehicles, while the remaining 30% comes from industrial emissions. Jakarta’s Traffic Police Division predicts the growth of the number of vehicles as around 5% per month. Those vehicles consume an enormous amount of diesel fuel, premium gasoline, kerosene and gas fuel. Most of the diesel fuel sold in Jakarta is low quality and gives off a lot of sulfur pollutants. Although the government has introduced unleaded gasoline to improve the air in Jakarta, experts say the capital’s air still contains the hazardous substance, one reason being that thousands of vehicles from outside Greater Jakarta travel here every day and they emit lead. A high lead content in human blood, particularly children, can cause anemia, lower intelligence, cause behavioral problems, affect fertility, and disrupt the nervous system. The phasing out of leaded gasoline is a significant achievement that should be continued. At the same time the public should also be informed that the substance that replaces lead and is called the high octane mogas component (HOMC) has a high content of olefin and aromatic. Like lead, olefin and aromatic is dirty octane, which could affect both the vehicle’s machine as well as the health of people in Jakarta. Although the administration requires vehicle owners to take emission tests, 77.6% of public and commercial vehicles in the city did not pass the test. A majority of private cars also failed the test. A positive step towards improving the air in our city is to provide more green areas. A tree can absorb gas pollutants and neutralize them through its metabolism. It can also absorb small particles measuring less than 10 microns. The administration’s target of a mere 13.9% of green area in Jakarta by the year 2010 is insufficient to neutralize the highly polluted air. The ideal ratio of green space recommended by environmentalists and the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI) should be 30%. Air pollution is not only affecting the area where it happens. The winds, air pressure, storms take the particles to far away regions and countries. Therefore scientists do refer to forests as lungs of our earth. Indonesia is home to the third-largest tropical forest after Brazil and the Congo. But every two years, Indonesia loses about four million hectares of forest, an area roughly the size of Switzerland due to logging and burning. If this rate continues by 2010 most forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan will disappear and air pollution will increase dramatically. Dirty air outside - is indoor air cleaner? We spend most of our time indoors. It is very important therefore to think about the quality of the air we breath when we sleep, work, study, play, and relax. EPA (environmental Protection Agency of America) consistently ranked indoor air pollution among the 5 environmental risks to public health. The indoor air quality is 2 – 5 times worse than the outdoor air and at times even 100 times. There is a constant air exchange between indoors and outdoors. Moreover, indoor pollutants may lead to an accumulation of some compounds rarely found outdoors. Most hazardous pollutants include sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and lead (in developing countries). These compounds are released by the human body and human activities, emissions from building materials, furnishings and appliances, use of consumer products, pesticides. Other contamination is related to the presence of humidity, for example air conditioning system can also act as pollutant, when it is not properly maintained. Bacteria and Viruses are serious health threats that we have to gauge and try to eliminate as much as possible. How all these air toxin affect our health vary according to intensity and duration of exposure. Other factors are age, the very young and elderly or those already suffering from disease are more susceptible to be affected and not to forget people who exercise amid the worst pollution. Did you know that a pollutant released indoors might be 1000 times more likely to reach people's lungs than a pollutant released outdoors. Indonesian Children are overdrugged
So what are those tiny enemies in the air, causing breathing problems? Particulate matter: A dangerous component of the pollution is fine particulate matter, or PM 2,5. It is less than 2.5 microns in diameter, about 30 times smaller than the human hair and includes soot, dust, aerosols, metals and sulfates. Vehicles, factories and industrial facilities emit these particles. It is suspected that PM2.5 particles penetrate buildings and people’s airways more quickly and deeply than previously known. Elderly and especially children are more susceptible. Because children breath in 50% more air per pound of body weight compared to adults, they are at high risk, especially if they suffer from asthma. But even adults can die from air pollution exposure; because of the way the particles act in the lungs. According to WHO about half a million deaths in Asia each year can be attributed to particulate matter and sulfur dioxide in outdoor air. If only particulate matter one of the air pollutant in Jakarta was reduced, the WHO study says that: 27 premature deaths a week could be prevented; 1,644 asthma attacks and 340 cases of bronchitis in children a day. That is a full planeload of children every day suffering from bronchitis attacks. The work force looses 7.6 million restricted activity days a year. Are you one of them? Combustion gases: Including carbon monoxides, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. They can cause flu-like symptoms, respiratory illnesses, or even death. In developing countries the ovens and braziers that are used have imperfect kitchen and stove designs. It is therefore imperative that cooking (grilling) is done in open space or well-ventilated areas. The use of household coal leads to high concentration of fluorine and arsenic and so does wood smoke; it consists of many unhealthy pollutants. Modern cooking fuels, such as kerosene and gas are recommended to cut down on pollutants, though good ventilation is still needed. The burning of trash that we can ‘smell’ around our houses almost daily is a highly polluting activity; especially if plastic materials are burnt we will inhale lethal carcinogens. Tobacco smoke: The particle and vapor phases are complex mixtures of several thousand chemicals, including known carcinogens. In large modern urban areas in developing countries smoking rates are increasing and therefore pose a greater risk. Researchers estimated that, for the first times, smoking killed as many people in the developing world as in industrialized countries. It is concluded that in 2000, half of the 4.8 million smoking deaths occurred in poor countries. The exposure of children to indoor tobacco smoke is definitely still a major problem. Radon, Asbestos, Lead: Old houses might still contain building materials containing these pollutants. Lead, as discussed before is still found in outdoor air. Be aware that modern scented candles could be a source of lead poisoning. Remember this is particularly dangerous for infants, small children and pregnant women. Household chemicals and pesticides: Some household products (including their fragrances and fumes) may be dangerous if not used correctly; and cause many respiratory problems. Bacteria and Virus Infections, also Dust Mites, Moulds: Inhalation of these microorganisms can cause many illnesses. Be aware of reduced ventilation and untreated air that re-circulates. Sick Building Syndrome and Environmental Illness: Eye, nose and throat irritation, coughs, headaches, stuffiness, ‘spaciness’ also rashes, can be caused by chemicals, fumes, pollution, allergens, bacteria and viruses. People in Asia are dying prematurely and are suffering from bad health! How do Jakarta dwellers find relieve from respiratory challenges? Marie Blanche has used natural essential oils for a long time and knows their value and use. She is using Bel'Air Eucalyptus and Thyme Flower now to boost her children's immune system and help cure their constant cough and after only two nights of using our genius lamp their cough was cured! Patty: Her children had a cold and especially a cough for many months after they arrived in Jakarta. The doctor kept on prescribing medicine but to no avail. Patty finally used Bel’Air Eucalyptus and Thyme Flower very reluctantly; she did not believe a fashionable lamp could help her children. But alas, with our wonder diffuser the kids recovered quickly and naturally. Therese: When the family came back from Bali after a week long holiday, Pia, the young daughter came down with high fever and a strong cough. During the night Therese used Bel’Air Eucalyptus and Magnolia Oil and in the morning Pia’s fever was gone and what remained of the cough was very little. Usually Pia would have at least 2 days high fever. Therese is very impressed and astonished how effective and fast Bel’Air Bio-Tech Aromatherapy helps to overcome health problems, and from a very skeptical user she has turned into a firm believer! Ibu Emma: Her son, 7 years old had a constant stuffy nose, big problems breathing; he needed three pillows at night to support his head. He slept in an almost sitting position so that he could breath. Since he obviously did not sleep well at night he had black circles around the eyes and felt tiered all the time. Visits to the doctor resulted in having to take antibiotics which did not help. After using Bel’Air Eucalyptus and Basilic the first night he was able to expel some of the mucous in his breathing canals. He was able to sleep in a normal position again and after about three nights was back to a healthy, smiling and active child again. Not to mention how happy and relieved his mother is! Mizuea Hara: Since the September 11 attack in America, Mizue suffered from very bad asthma while living in Jakarta Indonesia. After using Bel’Air Eucalyptus, Basilic and Green Tea for a few days Mizue’s health improved tremendously. After a few month of continues use, Mizue is now healthy and asthma free. Ibu Siti, asthma sufferer for many years: The next morning after using Bel’Air Eucalyptus, Ibu Siti called the distributor, because she was so happy to be able to sleep well at night again! Judith Kosashi: When our daughter returned after her graduation in the US to Jakarta, her two Pomeranian dogs were also part of the things she moved back home. After a few weeks, however, Lexus, the male dog, started to suffer from a severe cough. He was 8 years old at that time and used to fresh air. His lungs did not like the polluted air he had to breathe in Jakarta. Of course we took him to several vets and he got medication, but the cough always returned. One day at a luncheon a friend of mine told me that with using BEL AIR aromatherapy her asthma had improved tremendously. It was the first time I heard anything about this fabulous product, and I immediately bought a burner and various oils. I started to use this burner on a regular basis every day in the early evening hours in my bedroom. Lexus, the coughing dog, really liked the smell of Bel’Air Eucalyptus oil, and after a couple of weeks there was a noticeable improvement in his health! Our entire family was very impressed with the aroma lamp. We can sleep much better and wake up fresh and relaxed in the mornings. Yulia Tri Sinus because of Sick Building Syndrom: Yulia is working in a high rise office building in the center of town. Whenever she is in the air-conditioned office she has lots of troubles with her sinuses, sneezing, watery eyes etc. Using Bel’Air Eucalyptus at home, delights her whole family, besides her every one is becoming healthier. She some times takes her diffuser also to the office, and can feel an immediate improvement of the air. She admits that the first few times she used our aromatherapy she had headaches and did feel nausea; but consistency brought about a marked progress in her health. Recognize the symptoms: Acute respiratory infections in children: (Flu-like symptoms, respiratory illnesses) This is the chief cause of ill-health in the world and strongly associated with indoor use of solid fuels for cooking, according to Air Quality Guidelines WHO 1999. Asthma: Mould is now suspected of causing sever asthma in adults. U.S. children are getting asthma at more than double the rate two decades ago. Researchers do not know why childhood asthma is increasing, but air quality both outdoors and indoors play an important factor for example the exposure to droppings of dust mites, cockroaches, pesticides, tobacco smoke, ozone and soot have adverse health effects. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Do not smoke! Other irritants include chemical fumes and dust. It has also been shown to be strongly associated with burning of solid fuels in non-smoking women. Cardiovascular disease and death: Long term exposure to air pollution can cause cancer and long-term damage to the immune, neurological, reproductive, and respiratory systems. In extreme cases, it can even cause death. Cancer of the lung: Cigarette smoke is still cited as the main cause for lung cancer. WHO says that many studies in China associate lung cancer with the use of coal for cooking and heating. Exposure to Radon is an other cause of cancer. Bronchitis: Is an inflammation or irritation of the airways that lead into the lungs. It is very often caused by infection with a virus. It can also develop after exposure to chemicals and air pollution. Eye, nose and throat irritations, stuffiness also rashes: Can be attributed to ‘Sick building Syndrome’ or ‘Building-Associated Illnesses’. Allergic Rhinitis: May be inherited; certain factors increase the risk, for example secondhand smoke, air pollution, infections, and significant exposure to allergens. Adverse pregnancy outcome: Can be connected to smoke from solid-fuel burning and also cigarette smoke. Viral Infections, Flu and the latest scare SARS: In 2003 the feared SARS virus traveled all over the world infecting 7,452 people and claimed 813 lives, mainly in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Canada and Singapore. Later that year more flu viruses were detected: The World Health Organization (WHO) said in its website on Dec. 4 that six children had died of the disease (caused by type A/Fujian/411/2002-like influenza virus) in Britain, 11 children died in the United States of the same virus. And Influenza, caused by A(H3N2) virus, has developed in Europe and North America. In November, it spread to European, American and West Asian countries. An average of 36,000 Americans are killed by the flu every year. For prevention, people should raise their immunity, reduce pollution and live in a clean and healthy environment. Here is an overview of the most deadly epidemics that were recorded throughout history. Epidemics are going to be more frequent and more deadly with our modern mobility. The world is getting smaller and more dangerous? Biggest Viral Epidemic Outbreaks Period Type of Disease Number of cases Number of deaths 1790s Smallpox Europe Unknown 400,000 1918-19 Spanish Flu Worldwide 2 billion 40 million 1957-59 Asian Flu Worldwide 1 billion 1 million 1968-69 Hong Kong flu Worldwide Unknown 500,000 1981- HIV Worldwide 41 million 3 million Source: Professor Kenrad Nelson, Johns Hopkins; World Health Organization; UNAids. How can we stay healthy? To live a human needs 3 important elements: Food: We need about 2 kg of healthy nutritious foodstuff every day We are recommended to avoid chemical additives as much as possible, to not overcook our food and eat a healthy diet The World Health Report 2002 stated that the consumption of sufficient fruits and vegetables as part of the daily diet, minimum of 400 grams per day, could help prevent major diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. Water: we need about 2 L of clean healthy water to drink per day We do know by now that we have to be careful about pollutants in the water, chemicals, metals, bacteria and molds. The big trend is to drink only hygienically laboratory-tested water. Air: we need about 13.5 kg or 10,000L of clean nutritional air every single day. Air is the most vital of the three basic needs. Are we paying attention to the quality of air we breathe and do we have any control over it? Air as much as water and food needs to be clean and healthy? How long can we survive without food? Several days How long can we survive without water? 2-3 days How long can we survive without air? A minute or two Can we choose the air we breathe and can we add nutrients to the air? Today many people and companies have become aware of the health threatening air pollution and are finding ways to protect themselves and their families. The goal is to improve our health, our productivity, and well being. Therefore be careful in choosing a product. Do not be satisfied with appliances that just filter the air in one room, or just add ions electronically, or just fragrant the air without eliminating the cause of odor! Here is a great new modern Bio-Technology using age old aromatherapy! I am now using Aroma Bio-Technology for me and my family: What if I can show you a modern ‘magical lamp’ that with the power of nature: Drastically improves indoor air by:
Effect of the Essential Oils in your body
High Quality Plant Essential Oils for Aromatherapy Through Bel’Air plant aromatherapy natural plant essential oils, placed in a diffuser, are slowly catalyzed via the catalytic burner which is kept at a constant temperature on top of the diffuser. This releases Phytoncidere, which is beneficial o the human body. Different plant ragrances can activate potentialities within the body and make use of different energies to support the body’s internal balance. In addition this system improves air quality and boosts mental and physical health. Bel’Air aromatherapy enhances nutrients in the air, giving you the enjoyment of a forest bath every day. Improves the breathing tract fast: Eucalyptus: Improves respiratory system and aids better breathing. Prevents asthma, common cold and flu. Relieves sensitive nose related problems and bronchitis. Thyme Flower: Has disinfecting detoxification, flu and cold prevention properties. Alleviates pneumonia, bronchitis and cough condition. Clears nasal congestion and relieves sinus allergy. Basilic: Has disinfecting function. Clears congestion in nasal and respiratory systems. Treats swelling skin on nose caused by over-sensitive condition and relieves aching waist problem caused by acidic urine. Improves breathing, sleep and stress relief: Citronnelle: Clears nasal congestion. Alleviates insomnia, snoring problem, migraine and tension Improves insomnia and depression: Lavande: Stabilizes blood pressure, induces sleep, eases agitation and prevents melancholy (depression control). Great for relieving tension and soothing sentiments. Best antioxidant, the perfect all round therapy: Green Tea: Prevents cell mutation, helps prevent cancer and improves blood circulation. Aids fatty acid decomposition, lowers cholesterol level, stabilizes blood pressure and lowers blood sugar level. Improves liver function, helps in phlegm removal and anti-aging. Strengthen your Bones: Green Bamboo: Replenishes calcium for strengthening bones and protecting bone membrane. Alleviates osteoporosis and rheumatism condition, improves skin tone and elastic texture. For Romance and hormonal balance: Rose Rouge: Normalize hormonal imbalance, improves metabolism and blood circulation. Rlieves sensitive skin related to allergies. Creates a romantic and passionate ambience and natural aphrodisiac. Natural Insect repellent: Pyrethere: Repels flying and jumping insects including mosquitoes, dust mites and fleas. Essential oils have a positive effect on our blood circulation: Because of this they play an important part in transporting oxygen and nutrients to the tissues while assisting in the efficient disposal of carbon dioxide and other waste products that are produced by cell metabolism. Valerie Anne Worwood in her book: ‘The fragrant Pharmacy’ says: ”But essential oils are the high-grade fuel of plants, and by taking them into our body we ingest the best of the goodness plants have to offer.” Clean, pollution free air is very important; what if at the same time you can have therapeutic air! Plants do have many beneficial components. Our laboratory tests have proven that Catalytic Combustion releases into the air many minerals and organic elements essential for our health that are not otherwise found in our food or environment. Be careful: synthetic fragrances can be dangerous: Aromatherapy is a fashionable ‘thing’ to ad to almost any product today, floor cleaners, detergents, softeners almost all cosmetics. Please read the labels of the products you use daily: Fragrant or Fragrance is used for artificial or synthetic imitations of the real thing. If used one by one they should be o.k. But in perfumes or to obtain a particular smell hundreds of these chemicals are needed and scientists do not yet know, how they affect our system. One thing is sure they do not have the beneficial effect on us as the plant they supposedly represent! Essential oils are made up of an incredible amount of organic molecules and so far more than 30,000 molecular compounds have been identified and named. There are one hundred or so chief components for example terpenes, alcohols, esters, aldehydes, ketones and phenols. Many more of the plants components remain to be discovered. We do know that they are non-invasive and non-toxic to the human body. Essential oils are extracted from certain varieties of plants. In most cases, steam distillation or cold pressing from a plant’s flowers, leaves, branches, bark, rind, fruits or roots produces these oils. A lot of plant material is needed to make just a little bottle of oil; they are highly concentrated and very effective. About 60,000 rose blossoms are required to produce one ounce of rose oil, whereas about one hundred kilos of Lavender flowers are needed for tree kilos of oil. The Sandalwood tree should be about 30 years old and thirty feet high before it is cut and distilled. It is well known and should be very important to all of us that essential oils enter and leave the body with great efficiency and leave no toxins behind, as do chemical drugs. The most effective way to use essential oils is by inhalation or external application. Chemical medications as well as essential oils when taken orally have to pass the digestive tract where they mix with digestive juices and other material, which affects their chemistry. We have been so used to swallow medicine to cure our bodies and many people today still do not understand the power of pure essential plant extracts. Because they smell sweet and pleasant and are used extensively in the perfume and cosmetic industry one might just think of them as charming. Essential oils do not only work on the physical level. Smell is a primitive and powerful sense: When we breathe in the fragrance of an essential oil, some of its molecules travel to the lungs, pass through the lining and into the bloodstream where they travel around the body. This is much faster, then when swallowed and traveling through the intestines to be finally digested and entered into the bloodstream. Other molecules take an upward route, directly to the brain. The fragrances of the oils are taken up by receptor cells within the nasal cavity, which are connected, via the olfactory nerve, to the limbic system of the brain. This is the part of our brain that controls memory and emotions. The brain is like a computer; it directs all our bodily functions, whether or not we are aware of it. Smell is the most powerful of our senses. Non-smokers can smell smoke in a room even though they cannot see the smoke or cigarette. You smell your mother’s cooking upon entering the house. These smells trigger good or bad emotions in us and have a direct effect on our health. The brain is stimulated by the smells to release certain neurochemicals into the bloodstream. Serotonin, for example promotes relaxation and induces sleep, other chemicals have stimulating effects. Endorphins (discovered by Dr. John Huges and Dr. Kosterlitz in 1975) have the most positive effect among hormones produced in the brain. When they are secreted continuously and spread throughout the whole body, we become healthier. According to Mr. Khung, “Endorphins are the most precious gifts to human beings from God.” They enhance our immune system, block the lesions of blood vessels, they remove super oxides and therefore have anti-aging effects. They suppress stress hormones, have pain-relieving effects and help improve our memory. The most effective endorphin is known to be Beta-Endorphin. It gives the most euphoric effect to the brain. Fragrances have a powerful effect on our mind: The Perfume and cosmetic industries are thriving because they understand the importance of sweet smells. Our emotions are touched by perfumes and our mood changes quite markedly. Smell is the fastest of the senses to reach the brain and a particular aroma is remembered long after things have happened. People easily connect events to certain smells and of course romance and the opposite sex is attracted by and through smells. Are you making full and positive use of invigorating, healthy, and natural perfumes to enhance your emotions and therefore improve your health and well being? Bel’Air Bio-tech Aromatherapy also Adds Oxygen to your indoor air: Air should consist of plenty of Oxygen. Healthy individuals take in approximately 21% oxygen from the air they breathe; because lots of people feel a lack of oxygen new oxygen bars pop up in all major cities proponents of this oxygen "therapy" say it boosts energy levels, increases your endurance during exercise, helps you bounce back more quickly from physical exertion, provides relief from stress and pollution, increases your concentration, helps you relax, and eases headaches and hangovers. Our brain uses 25-40% of our total oxygen supply; it is absolutely imperative that our brain receives enough oxygen, do you get enough oxygen at work or at home when you relax and sleep? Ads healthy natural negative Ions or Anions to your indoor air: Electronic household appliances emit positive Ions or cation that can cause headache, discomfort and increase blood pressure and therefore are stressful to human beings. It is proven that people staying close to waterfalls, streams lakes, forests or after a thunderstorm feel less stressed and regain their health because of negative Ions! Effectively eliminates smoke and odor: Ozone, formed from diatomic oxygen, is an unstable molecule; hence it has powerful oxidizing properties by attaching itself to smoke and bad odors. Bel’Air Aromatherapy has less than 550mg/m3 ozone when burned in a closed room of 30m3 for 1 hour is safe and healthy. Ask for a demonstration. Effective bacteria eliminating capacity of up to 96%: Plants have a self-immunity function we call Phytoncider, which eliminates bacteria and fungi. If living organism such as amoeba, or flu, cholera, or diphtheria germs are placed near freshly chopped leaves, the germs will be killed after a few minutes. Our products are laboratory tested and are certified by for example AgroHall of France, PSB (now known as Spring Singapore), Beijing Institute of Science and Preventive Medicine, Taiwan National Yang Ming University and many more (ask for complete and updated list). Improves your immune system: The immune system acts as our bodyguard, keeps intruders that attack us away. Viruses, bacteria fungi and pathogens are a fact of life and our body needs to be healthy to fend off intruders that attack our health. Exposure to environmental pollutants, emotional stress, poor nutrition, virus mutations, accumulated chemicals in our bodies. These are just some of the challenges our immune system faces daily. An overload of drugs, such as antibiotics, antacids, steroids or immunizations, can be more harmful than good. Our modern way of life, the lack of movement or exercise and not enough healthy nutritional plant food (fresh vegetables and fruit) and also oxygen deficiencies cause a lack of immunity. Research has shown that one of the main benefits of plant essential oils is their ability to simulate the body’s immune system. Recovery from a cold or flu is 70 percent faster by using essential oils. Moreover they are highly antiseptic, anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal. Viruses and bacteria do not become resistant to essential oils as they do to modern-day synthetic antibiotic drugs. The chemical constituents of essential oils are too numerous and complicated for viruses to mutate and adapt. The use of natural plant extracts or essential oils is not new. Throughout history man used the healing power of plants:
The use of essential oils in improving peoples health is gaining momentum:
A revolutionary discovery of the Bel’Air Catalytic System In 1897, a French pharmacist developed a unique catalytic burner. By blending essential oils with a unique formula and releasing the essential oils at a controlled temperature into the air he had found a modern and revolutionary way to improve drastically the air we breathe. Bel’Air has received many certificates from various countries to certify its claims and is working together with the Laboratory in Paris, France to further test the different plant essential oils and their effect on the human being. Green Bamboo; is one of the products discovered and only available through Bel’Air Our very special Golden Magnolia Pure Essential Oil Sathelyn France holds the patent to it. It is a truly amazing product researched, produced and marketed only by Bel'Air. Bel'Air has been awarded top 10 Products award in Singapore in 2004. Bel'Air is also the Winner of 'The 3rd Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise-Kris Award 2004" Malaysia! So when will you start breathing in clean healthy nutritional air? |
Air Pollution
Monday, September 5, 2011
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