Create a Clean and Fresh Air at Home

Monday, September 5, 2011

Pollution is often associated with something that comes from outside as smoke, ozone, dust or haze in the air. In fact, the air inside homes, offices and other buildings can be more polluted than outside.

The air inside the home can be contaminated by lead contained in dust, formaldehyde, fire extinguisher, radon / radium, as well as chemicals that easily evaporate from the fragrance used in conventional cleaners.

Pollutants in the room is very disturbing and elderly asthmatics who are sensitive to pollutants. And although the effect is not immediately apparent, these pollutants also interfere with your health in general.

To prevent the emergence of health problems, it helps improve indoor air quality with the following tricks:

1. Cleanliness of the floor

Use a suction / vacuum. Chemicals and allergens can accumulate in household dust during several years. You can reduce the concentration of pollutants by using a vacuum equipped with HEPA filters. This method can also remove toxins such as chemicals from a fire extinguisher and allergens such as pollen and animal dander and fleas from your pet.

Swab. This method can raise dust left behind a vacuum. Should not use soap or cleanser, you can simply use clean water to catch the remnants of dust and allergens.

Keep clean. Place doormats at every door width. This method reduces the amount of dirt, pesticides and other pollutants into the house.

2. Healthy air humidity

Bugs and mildew thrive in moist areas. Keeping the humidity around 30-50 percent to help control mold and allergens. You can keep the humidity in the following ways:
• Use a fan or open windows when cooking, turn on the washing machine or in the bath.
• Avoid over-watering plants.
• Bring clothes dryer out of the house.
• Empty the water reservoir drops of water conditioner (AC) and the dryers air (dehumidifier).

3. Smoke-free home

"Former cigarette smoke is a major cause of pollution in the home," said Philip Landrigan, MD of Children's Environmental Health Center at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, quoted by WebMD site.

Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals. The results show that secondhand smoke increases a child's risk of ear infections and respiratory feel, asthma, cancer and sudden death syndrome. Moderate smokers themselves at greater risk of having cancer, respiratory problems, heart attacks and strokes.

4. Test radon or radium

New or old homes are equally at risk of having a radon problem. The gas is colorless and tasteless it significantly increases the risk of lung cancer. If you smoke and your home radon levels in high risk of lung cancer you are getting bigger.

5. Use a natural deodorant

You may often associate the smell of lemon and pine to the kitchen or clean clothes. However, synthetic fragrance in laundry products and air fresheners release various chemicals into the air. You will not find his name on the product label. Conventional detergent, fabric softener and air freshener is also the possibility create similar chemical substances. Therefore, it is better to try a healthier way of the following:
• Choose a fragrance-free laundry products contain fragrances or natural.
• Switch to a milder cleanser, which does not contain additional aroma.
• Stop using the spray or aerosol spray, deodorant, hair spray, carpet cleaner, furniture polishes and air fresheners.
• Let fresh air into the house. Open the window so that toxic chemicals do not accumulate in the house.
• Use a piece of lemon and baking soda to scent your kitchen.
• Make green room of your house. The room will look more beautiful with the fern, spider plant or aloe Vera. NASA study results indicate that the plants in a room like this working as air purifiers. Leaves and roots of plants work to absorb the chemicals released by synthetic material. (IK/OL-08)


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