Our health, air, and quality of life is so precious to all of us and our families, We created the http://breathehealthyair.blogspot.com site. Why? Even though there are many excellent and informative web sites-some private, some governmental, some organizational-promoting clean air, we wanted to have one that is more personal and a place where we can share advice and suggestions. A place where we can obtain support and information to become pro-active, not reactive, or passive. A place where we can help each other in our endeavor and our quest for clean air to breathe in our daily life. We are stronger united rather than as individuals. Passing along real-life stories of suffering and horror from people who live near individuals that do not practice the “good neighbor” policy as it relates to the air we all need to breathe everyday.
Posting success stories about communities and cities across the U.S. that have finally realized that major air pollution is being needlessly and unnecessarily created from the poisonous and noxious emissions of outside (and inside) fireplaces/firepits, chimeneas, outside wood boilers (OWB), burn barrels, and wood burning stoves.
This site is dedicated to the prohibiting of outside (and the voluntary conversion of inside wood burning fireplaces to natural gas or electric with a governmental cash grant) wood-burning fireplace/firepits, and also chimeneas, outside wood boilers (OWB), and burn barrels.
A few quick comments/facts relating to the emissions from wood-burning…..
1. Unnecessary, unneeded pollution and unsuitable in residential/populated areas
2. Statewide bans should be adopted
3. Activities/actions of people need to be regulated if harmful/deadly to others.
- Guns---go to gun range
- Bow and arrow---go to archery range or desolated area
- Drive car 100 mph---go to race track
4. Wood emissions are very harmful and deadly. Particulates enter lungs and stay there. Causes cancer, respiratory problems, aggravates the membranes, and coughing. Dangerous to healthy people and extremely dangerous to those with existing illnesses.
5. Major health and air pollution problem
6. Health costs associated with illnesses caused by noxious, poisonous emissions
7. Legal—“battery” on persons who have to involuntarily breathe these wood emissions
8. Quality of life is greatly lessened and affected by these wood emissions
9. Affects/decreases property values
10. Breathing is not an option.
11. These toxic emissions drift along the ground and seep into the nearby houses through the vents, windows, doors, and involuntarily enter the lungs of the occupants.
12. Ozone and air quality is affected by the emissions of wood-burning fireplaces/fire pits. This affects the “quality of life and a major life activity” known as….breathing. The American with Disabilities Act (1990) is most likely being violated by these emissions.
13. Common Law supports the “right to breathe fresh, unadulterated air”
14. The “Good Neighbor Policy” is not being followed or complied with when one uses a wood-burning fireplace/fire pit.
15. Towns and states should not be an “enabler” of this air pollution and public health violation by not adopting a ban on outside wood-burning fireplaces/fire pits.
We look forward to your comments, suggestions, related links, personal stories, and any research you wish to share.
E-mail address is....breathe.healthy.air@gmail.com
Welcome to Breathe Healthy Air!
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