Ban all outdoor burning-Crain's Chicago Business

Monday, December 3, 2007

December 3, 2007-Published

Letters to the Editor
Crain’s Chicago Business

Note...Let's hope that all communities (and the state of Illinois) seriously consider passing a law to ban all outdoor burning-the sooner the better.

Let your elected officials know we want a ban!

It is a matter of your family's breath, health, and life!


Ban all outdoor burning!

Regarding “Barrington, other suburbs oppose railroad’s plan” (, Nov 12), these towns are concerned about more traffic congestion, noise, declining property values, and environmental issues. But these towns already condone an activity that affects two of these issues dramatically, and also negatively affects the health of all people living in the area.

A ban on all outdoor burning is what these concerned suburbs need to adopt if they want to show they care about their residents' health. All of us must take action to protect the air we breathe and the health of our children and those with respiratory illnesses. Even we healthy people need fresh, clean air, not air saturated and polluted with noxious, and poisonous smoky emissions.

These suburbs may not be able to stop the trains, but they can easily adopt a ban on burning leaves and outdoor wood-burning fire places and fire pits if preserving the air, the environment, property values and their residents' health are really important

Elk Grove Village, Illinois

P.S. Barrington is a northwest suburb of Chicago, Illinois.


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