Canadians are fighting also to breathe air free of wood smoke!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Canadians are fighting also to breathe air free of wood smoke!!!
Posted July 17, 2009

I live in St.Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada and have been fighting with my town to put a ban on all bonfires and fires of any kind.

I have what the doctors call allergic rhinitis and extreme sensitivity to environmental pollutants. When exposed to smoke I develop a chronic cough, nasal congestion, migraine headache, weak voice and swollen larynx which makes breathing extremely difficult. I have been advised to avoid any smoke , if not serious consequences such as respiratory distress and allergic reaction will occur. There are no medications or other options to help me in this matter.

The doctors told me after a whole year with no voice and being in severe pain in high school (12 years ago) what was wrong and to avoid smoke at all cost and I would be fine. At this moment in time my larynx have been swollen and I have had a severe sore throat. I have been like this for 7 days now. I have had meetings with the town, an interview with the local paper and CTV NEWS Atlantic.

The town says they are trying to help me on this matter but their way of helping is just to let the fires continue. There is a by-law in affect that says people can have bonfires as long as they use clean wood and a fire pit and as long as it does not cause a Hazard to a persons.

They basically told me on Monday at the town meeting I had with them that even though it is causing a Hazard to me there is nothing they can do.

I have been fighting this battle for 7-8 years. My husband and I grew up here and it wasn't until got married and built our house in the community that the burning of bonfires began. The only place it used to be was at the campground now it is in everyone's back yard.

We also, like you Mr. Kusmit, have a major problem with the smoke from chimneys coming into our home. Our house is only 8 years old and is totally sealed properly and the smoke still floats around the house in the yard. We have an air exchanger and have been forced to close it off in the winter and most of the spring, summer and fall. I felt like I was reading part of my own story while reading Mr. Kusmit's story (see previous Breathe Healthy Air web site postings) about the smoke at the doors. Sometimes the smoke is so thick outside our home it looks like a house is on fire.

Even in New Brunswick, Canada it seems to be hard to get anything done to help those of us with Severe allergies or what not. I am a very healthy person and I am never sick until the smoke hits me.

I hope all of you and I also can somehow win this battle whether we are in Canada or the USA. This really needs to end.

Thank You,
St.Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada


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