Letter to Member of Parliament-Canada

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 2nd, 2011

Mr. Guy Lauzon
Member of Parliament
621 Pitt Street
Cornwall, Ontario
K6J 3R8

Dear Mr. Lauzon,

Today, Saturday, you were campaigning in the neighbourhood where I live. You came by our house and asked for our support and also permission to place a campaign sign on our front lawn. I said no to the sign.

The reasons I declined your request are as follows:

Woodsmoke is a public and private nuisance that continues to harm our residential neighbourhood. You have not, and are not, addressing this very serious concern.

You have taken absolutely no pro-active action in the previous two years to assist the Air Is Precious Coalition in prohibiting Woodsmoke and Woodburning in the community via a by-law and regulations.

Fire pits, and all Woodburning devices, continue to saturate our neighbourhood air doing grave harm to our health and our quality of life. You have taken no action to support ending this air pollution.

Many city residents are suffering, becoming ill and dying from Woodsmoke-related diseases. You have done nothing to assist ill and suffering residents who are subjected to endless hours breathing Woodsmoke.

Since you have shown no concern, regard, compassion or support and no hope of future support, I see no need to support you by way of placing a sign on my property. Unless you publicly support before the election, action to end Woodburning, my husband and my vote will not be cast for you and other members of your political party. Other members of the Air Is Precious Coalition will also join me in not voting for you.

Woodsmoke must be addressed and supported by each community leader and by all elected officials and parties. Sadly, that has not happened. This is not my opinion. This opinion is echoed by many residents who suffer in Cornwall from Woodsmoke Pollution.

It is deeply disappointing and deplorable to think that our leaders have pathetically failed their fiduciary duty to protect us from harm, yet expect us to offer them support!

Woodsmoke must be given the same respect and laws that are rightfully given to Tobacco smoking. Tobacco smoke is a Public Health issue. Woodsmoke is also a Public Health issue. Woodsmoke is even worse for our health than tobacco smoke.

Any form of Woodburning from all Woodburning devices in Cornwall that pollutes our air, make us ill, destroys our environment and does grave harm to our quality of life is not acceptable. Woodburning in urban areas such as Cornwall, and all residential areas in our Nation where our homes are in such close proximity is unnecessary, unneeded and unwanted.

The goal of the Air Is Precious Coalition is to see that every Canadian Citizen has the right and common decency to breathe healthy air—woodsmoke-free. You have not and are not supporting this issue.

We are very disappointed. You and your political party have failed us on this issue. I am saddened that you may be remembered by many in our community as the Member of Parliament who remained silent, apathetic and uncaring regarding Woodsmoke Pollution in Cornwall.

The end of Woodsmoke and outdoor open air burning needed your support Mr. Lauzon. We need Province-wide by-laws adopted to ban Woodsmoke Pollution. By doing so would have saved the health and lives of millions, just as prohibiting Tobacco smoke did. But, sadly it was not on your agenda as the priority issue it should have been. You offered us nothing in support.

My sincere hope is that you Mr. Lauzon and your family members never are made ill by Woodsmoke or made to endure the suffering that so many sick and ill city residents are presently coping with and have been for years.

You will find enclosed a letter regarding The Black Rose, which has been adopted as the International Symbol of Woodsmoke Pollution. Please take time to read it.

You, along with many other leaders are most deserving of this Black Rose that will explain in detail the suffering caused by Woodsmoke Pollution. The Black Rose can be placed in water and will live for a while. We, the Victims of Woodsmoke Pollution sadly may not have a long life expectancy due to the deadly, noxious, poisonous, toxic air we are subjected to breathe each day.

We who suffer from residential Woodsmoke Pollution in Cornwall have lost our belief in the political process that was supposed to represent each Canadian and be there for us. We, sadly, lost our belief when your support was not to be found..

But, I leave the door open to see if you will walk through it with us and support an end to Woodburning in our community. Will you join us or wait outside in the Woodsmoke?


Linda Baker Beaudin
Founder, Air Is Precious
Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

Note...A Black Rose was delivered to Mr. Guy Lauzon's office on April 5, 2011.

Webmaster...The above is a copy of a letter delivered to a Member of Parliament-Canada. The frustration from this writer due to the apathy by this elected official (and other elected officials) is very sad. Let's hope action is taken soon to end woodsmoke emissions in Cornwall, and all other Canadian cities.


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