Backyard burning. Ban firepits! (Canada)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Backyard burning. Ban firepits!

July 8, 2010

© Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald (Canada)

I believe it's time to reconsider the wisdom of allowing backyard firepits. It's approaching 11 p.m., on a weeknight, as I sit at my kitchen table and write.

The air is not too pleasant, either inside or outside my home on this night. You see, since around noon, I have been subjected to the incessant smoke from a neighbour's firepit, just one lot away from my own.

Surely it's not possible for this homeowner to be unaware of the impact such backyard activity creates in the neighbourhood. The relentless plumes of smoke wafting away from their property would suggest otherwise.

The smoke is both a nuisance and an obstruction to the enjoyment of my own backyard space.

This same smoke also means that I am compelled to close windows or permit something other than fresh air inside. The city of Calgary is congested and continuing to grow, which means we place our homes very close to one another.

Firepits are more suited to campground settings or acreages, where such an activity is expected and accepted in these more appropriate locales.

I don't have the monitoring equipment to measure the air quality around my property, but my nose can certainly conclude that almost 12 hours of backyard burning is too much for the neighbours and the neighbourhood.

Since common sense and community-minded attitudes cannot be realized, even with our existing, reasonable firepit bylaw; then I see a ban as the only clear solution.

Louise M. Stinson, Calgary

© Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald

Webmaster----Yes. Ban all outdoor open air buns and all wood burning.


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